
2016 SECA China Junior Squash Championship is the official national junior squash championship sanctioned and hosted by Chinese Squash Association.
锦标赛共包括三场季赛:第一场 – 春季杯,第二场 – 夏季杯, 第三场(总决赛)– 秋季杯。
The Championship consists of three rounds: First Round – Spring Cup, Second Round – Summer Cup and Third Round (Final) – Autumn Cup.
2016盛力瑛才中国青少年壁球锦标赛三场的日期如下。第一场 – 春季杯:4月2-3日;第二场 – 夏季杯:7月23-24日;第三场(总决赛)– 秋季杯:10 月22-23日。
The dates of the 3 rounds of the 2016 SECA China Junior Squash Championship are the following: First Round – Spring Cup: April 2-3; Second Round – Summer Cup: July 23-24; Third Round (Final) – Autumn Cup: October 22-23.
The Championship has the following main categories: junior men single squash and junior women single squash.
The Championship is open to local and international junior players from 7 to 18 years old.
锦标赛设有以下6个年龄组, 分男女一共12个组别:
Players will compete in the following 6 age levels, boys and girls in different groups, for a total of 12 groups: