北京壁球梯级联赛(BSLL)是在北京举办的一项长期的业余比赛。所有非职业选手,无论其国籍、性别、年龄与水平如何,均可参加此项比赛。北京壁球梯级联赛由北京极速壁球俱乐部组织,是中国壁球协会(CSA)认可的北京地区正式壁球联赛。在过去的几年中北京壁球梯级联赛已经成功地主办了11届,有超过500名来自20多个不同国家的选手,参加了超过1000场的球赛 !
Squash Ladder League
The ladder league is an official local league. The league is organized annually, it has been played successfully for 11 times.
More than 500 players from more than 20 different countries have participated this league. Total matches played accounts for more than 1000 currently
During the past eleven years, our members have improving their skill continuously. Our members participate many national tournaments every year, they brought squash in Beijing to a different level and at the same time they have popularized squash through the whole country.

Squash Ladder League
The ladder league is an official local league. The league is organized annually, it has been played successfully for 11 times.
More than 500 players from more than 20 different countries have participated this league. Total matches played accounts for more than 1000 currently
During the past eleven years, our members have improving their skill continuously. Our members participate many national tournaments every year, they brought squash in Beijing to a different level and at the same time they have popularized squash through the whole country.